Golfer Couldn't Believe how EASY this Made the Golf Swing...
Nov 06, 2023
Full Transcript- so if there's one golf lesson I have given more than any other that has helped a golfer increase their distance considerably and their accuracy this lesson is it it really really is in fact I've just giving it to my videographer Leah who was really really struggling now I don't give too much away but he ramped up his distance massively and you're going to get to see that in a second step by step how we do this but I promise you if you find that you're inconsistent you're not getting consistent flights you're losing distance so you just don't feel like you can gain any distance I promise you in fact I guarantee you this one is going to help now before I get into lesson if you're new to the channels from your first videos of mine please consider subscribing are these videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below so without further Ado come and join me right now look over my shoulder as give Leah this lesson and step by step and you're going to see how you can increase your accuracy but more importantly gain some super super distance to kind of like as I watch you it looks quite controlled yeah right I like a little bit to position orientated yeah I'm almost trying to in my back swing push it out to here right feel that position basically yeah and then just come down work on this path yeah and then I'm not really thinking about the end position so I think what often leads to a lot of people's inconsistencies is is when they get very position orientated okay yeah I want you to imagine this just for a second if I let this club do this
it's pretty much just forming a pretty damn consistent Circle isn't it yeah look at that definitely yeah but if I then said right I'm going to try and guide that circle now yeah the red is that Circle will change each time yeah sure I'm trying to do the same thing but I'm now actually trying to do it I'm trying to control it yeah you see that so that but if I just let this go I mean I could literally relax now and just it's gonna form a pretty consistent Circle sure so I think what we do initially is to try and get some consistency and actually increase that carry or to all in one is let's start to get a sensation of putting some what I call some energy into the golf club okay so momentum sure so what I want you to do is if I was to kind of hey come on here sir yeah if I do this I'll just don't damage the color watch this yeah Club will drop there wouldn't it there's no energy there I've moved it but if I was to get some and not just have to be really fast if I just got some momentum into that what's going to happen to that club yeah it's going to go isn't it sure well the same hat needs to happen here when we swing get energy here we also then need to allow the energy to then fall down to the ground yeah very different to yeah yeah yeah putting it down so get yourself set up on the ball throw the club a little bit back towards a Target should we try back away from the target yeah and then throw it towards the target yeah hit that night straight away yeah definitely yeah
I felt I came a tiny bit fat on it yeah a little bit fat but but already over 100 yards yes yeah yeah so and you you caught that fat yeah yeah yeah but these numbers now yeah that one that's it called what tends to be my best sort of iron shirt I reckon there's a chance I know it sounds ridiculous right but I reckon we could potentially get this too close on 150. okay and that to me they had 50 hours until someone's iron shots are ridiculous right it's interesting isn't it so what we're going to do is this earlier okay yep now I see this a lot when people trying to add power in yeah you're doing this yeah we need to separate us from this so let's get yourself set and what I want to do just with that left arm I want the club to just get a sense of it dropping for a second there you go and again
drop it though Let It Drop more okay there you go to the filler weight there yeah feel the weight dropping to the ground good and when you sense that way there's like no it's this if there's a weight dropping because it's the ball's there the weight's dropping your body's going to want to do what yeah come on come up isn't it because that's how you create the swing it's like a a hammer throw in the Olympics they don't go with the hammer yeah sure what do they do yeah yeah they oppose the hammer yeah and when they throw away where does their body go so when they throw that hammer this way where are they going like that and also going backwards yeah okay you follow they actually go backwards away from the hand because look why wouldn't they what there was that this is how much travel it's weighs a ton and they throw it yeah they want if they didn't kind of what I call a pause it or counter it they'll wouldn't go very fast sure so what we're doing is we are throwing the club out there we are literally allowing it to come down here but we need to let the club first of all fall yeah downwards yeah and then once you get a sense of falling first that has to be done first don't worry about trying to pause initially just get a sense of come a bit closer to it get sensical falling first yeah yeah once you've got that sensation your body will start to respond automatically yeah as opposed to China don't try something yeah I mean I hear a lot of people talking about jumping and stuff and I think I do agree it works I found something from my experience I think if you can feel the club head falling first just like a child does you'll see most children when they clear the jump right that's their bodies responding because they the club goes so fast downwards they're literally doing this just to control it okay yeah
that just for me just sounded completely different there you go look yeah that was really good there's a hundred and you just added another 120 that's 120 000. why Focus don't you know the hammer throwing thing yes I sort of focused on throwing as if I'm going to throw the club up there basically yeah as opposed to what there throwing it as opposed to there yes focusing on foreign
so you were trying to do this right yeah and now you're focus on what this element of the sort of as if I'm gonna throw the club that way and I'm gonna Chuck it up like that and think about it right when you're trying to throw a club out there this is how when people talk about striking a ball they get all these beautiful angles well if you try to get something here what happens to those angles yeah they all disappear sure but when you start to work towards the target which is that is this is an intermediate Target that's the actual Target that's how you start to create more zip yeah yeah
that's it there just 28 yeah [Laughter]
like already I'm starting to hear it it's not perfect but look at that now 126 yeah yeah I'll take that yeah yeah
a tiny bit at the bullet what happened there I think I just focus too much on the ball again yeah too much on the ball instead of releasing it out there okay cool
yeah sort of Let Me Go
and that time felt good felt like 104 big cups there we go come on this is it this is Matt I told you I knew this it's a good workout and let's be honest you your average is I mean you checked only it's been 100 yards hasn't it yeah I went to um the range yesterday and I was averaging like 50 yards roll out 100 and this is Carrot I mean yeah I mean this would be a lot more on that come on we got 10 hours left to go we can do this that's it this is different isn't it definitely
yeah this movement fought you again this is more now what you've done you're coming out your shell yeah yeah that's what I'm seeing I see this with too many golfers they you know they they're so trying to be perfect yep right and now you're you're kind of smothering your talent yeah yeah and so many golfers do that so this is this is brilliant absolutely keep going right I love it does it feel wrong that you're swinging like this yet you're still picking up consistency yeah it feels like with my previous efforts a lot more energy going into them yeah for like half the result really so this feels more effortless definitely more flowing just speed to it yeah exactly it is strange isn't it this is why I often said effortless power comes from Rhythm and just basically letting the club do the work for you that's good that sounded amazing that was good oh you got 140 yards that's probably the highest I've hit it as well yeah you've obviously said that yeah mine tends to be quite low yeah right perfect look at this now look at the consistency of all this 140 yards look at the numbers so Letting Go people get nervous about it but you actually become more consistent but electrical do the work yeah I just sounded that sounded quite good look at that 140. look at that beautiful great shape beautiful right so think of it now Leah right based on what you did there what do you do you think you've got something left in the tank to hit it a bit further yeah and tell me what is that what would you feel that you need to do I think be almost more effortless and sort of just let it flow more through isn't it weird yeah letting it flow more gives you what more power more power it's weird isn't it yeah yeah right awesome come on then
thank you
145. come on we're getting there look at this that's good yeah yeah look at this brilliant really really good yeah
and that one dead straight that's straight hey well I fell out as well look at that yeah 150 and is it true now you've isn't it stupid if you feel it more as well like wait I knew as soon as I hit that I was like that's gonna be let's go straight exactly right so the thing is when you let go more and you can sense this head you actually become more aware of it as opposed in the past where I've held on really tight hit it and then had to look where the ball's gone to work out brilliant brilliant this is exactly it well done
what about that one tiny bit right tiny right let's see yes it was is it amazing you're getting the feel now yeah right so not only are you going to feel for where power is you're getting a feel for where the face is and yet the face is traveling faster yeah definitely yeah stupid isn't it yeah
how was that one really good sounded lovely 140 yards comfortably so basically your swinging Direction at the moment is there so all we're going to do now is simply take your swing Direction okay and we want to imagine now we're going to sift That Swing Direction over here okay yeah so we're gonna from there yeah yeah from this position so now when you're swing in what we're going to do is you're going to same thing look but we're going to shift that swing Direction More this way sure so you're not as much I did it all right that makes sense
I felt quite good yep look at that and that's how look at the difference now look what you've done between Direction just just by doing that look you've neutralized it carries up and you've got beautiful beautiful draw yeah and all we've done okay it's neutralize that by taking this is the this ship is the swing direction I've got you imagining that swinging a bit more this way yeah that's it but not when you do this as you've done that beautiful there you're still coming up and down you're not coming that way yeah still coming up and down but you're just shifting that over and that will help you create a beautiful draw and it'll also help you add more effortless power and you can see how your um you're keeping the balance now yeah yeah so the balance is much much better all because we're just gonna shift your swing direction from there yep more to that yeah okay just just as a feeling yep yes
hear that noise yeah that felt good so different and that's how you create the shape now look look what you've just done to these numbers now you've moved them simply by and this is what you play around with in the range sure simply by moving this around yeah yeah you could that's where you were that's your slicer sure you're simply moving it around yeah and but notice this we left this till now because this is none of this would have been absolutely pointless without what we just did yeah with no energy no energy going into the club this is just a waste of time sure but this is how you then get the consistency of the directional component and your balance yeah all right makes a lot of sense yep
how's that feel felt good and every time now you've got a beautiful draw yeah so yeah see you just play around nice feeling like I have an understanding of how to control it as well yeah just by shifting yeah and obviously I I noticed that you're doing it to an extreme yeah but this is how and then all you do is you just play around with it yeah look at it keep going go that's it brilliant now all I would do now is this is just neutralize it just a little bit Yeah to a little bit straighter
hello prester yes neutralized it yeah that was easy and now you've got your distance come to the it's consistently 130 540 yards yeah and now we've neutralized it and hey prester you're um yeah that's all I would do and that's really great I know position position inside yeah I don't know anything about that it's just the motion and what path basically yeah all right cool cool well done good man all right that was fun I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did give it a thumbs up if you did and maybe share it with a friend and look if you want to see more live lessons like this one I've got a group right here playlist for you to look at plus remember if you haven't subscribed already it's completely free to do so just press this button right here so I can give you more content like this every single week but until next week have a great golfing week.
Transcript Summary -
"Hello there, folks! Today, I'm going to share a golf lesson that can significantly increase your distance and accuracy. This lesson has helped many golfers, including my videographer, Leo, who was struggling with her game. So, let's dive right in and see how we can achieve better results step by step.
First things first, if you're struggling with inconsistent flights and losing distance, this lesson is guaranteed to help. It's all about finding that balance and flow in your swing. But before we get started, if you're new to the channel, consider subscribing for more valuable golf tips every week.
Let's address one common mistake – being too position-oriented during your swing. The key is to let the club do the work. If you try to control the club too much, your results may vary. Instead, focus on creating momentum and energy in your swing. Imagine putting energy into the golf club. It's like getting a hammer ready to throw – you want that energy to flow naturally.
When you set up for a shot, focus on letting the club fall towards your target instead of trying to guide it. This falling motion generates power, and your body naturally responds. It's like a hammer throw in the Olympics – they don't force it; they let the momentum do the work.
You'll notice that when you let the club do its thing and fall, your results become more consistent. This effortless power comes from rhythm and allowing the club to work for you.
Now, as you practice, shift your swing direction slightly. Instead of focusing on a position-oriented swing, imagine the swing direction moving more toward your target. This simple adjustment can neutralize your shot and bring out a beautiful draw.
As you continue, you'll notice that not only are you achieving the right direction, but your balance is also improving. This all comes from understanding the motion and the path of your swing.
With this new approach, you'll find that your distance and accuracy have improved significantly. It's about finding that balance, flow, and letting go, which makes all the difference. Enjoy the journey of improving your golf game, and remember to subscribe for more lessons like this. Until next time, have a great week on the golf course!"